Posts tagged with "trust"

Estate Planning · July 26, 2024
Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 4 of 4: Elvis and the Scammers
As we wrap up our celebrity estate series, we turn our attention to an icon whose estate still resonates beyond his lifetime: Elvis Presley. This final installment explores how even a legend like Elvis isn't immune to the threats posed by scammers—a lesson for us all. His Graceland estate recently faced a fraudulent claim that put his assets at risk, shedding light on the vital need for vigilant asset protection. Learn the signs of potential scams and the proactive steps you can take to protect
Estate Planning · July 19, 2024
Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 3 of 4: Jay Leno’s Case is No Laughing Matter
Celebrity lives often seem distant from our own, yet when it comes to preparing for the inevitable, such as incapacity, their stories can offer valuable lessons. This week, we delve into Jay Leno's personal experience, illustrating the complexities of incapacity planning that many overlook. Incapacity isn't just a remote possibility; it's a critical aspect of estate planning that can significantly impact your loved ones if not addressed properly. From understanding the legal implications to reco
Estate Planning · July 12, 2024
Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 2 of 4: Vanilla Ice Has Thoughts
Celebrity estate plans can be as headline-grabbing as their careers, and this week, we’re diving into how stars like Vanilla Ice manage their legacies. Vanilla Ice reveals his approach to estate planning, shedding light on the often overlooked importance of proactive financial management. From utilizing trusts to smart tax strategies and the vital role of life insurance, his insights offer valuable lessons for anyone. His experiences underscore the necessity of having a well-thought-out plan to
Estate Planning · March 29, 2024
April Fools! How DIY Wills And Trusts Offer A False Sense Of Security … And May Leave Your Family With An Expensive Mess
Crafting your own Will or Trust might feel empowering, yet it's fraught with risks that could leave your family facing legal battles and financial strain. The allure of DIY legal services masks the complexity and nuances of estate planning. A real-life story shows how easy it is to inadvertently disinherit loved ones or tie them up in legal knots, turning a well-intentioned effort into an expensive and emotional nightmare. It's a stark reminder that what we leave behind should be a legacy, not a
Estate Planning · March 11, 2024
Estate Planning Must-Haves For Single Parents
If you are a single parent, life for you right now probably couldn't get any busier. You are likely being pulled between work, school activities, and home - and the inevitable emergencies that fill the lives of single parents everywhere. It's a huge responsibility, even if you do share time with a parenting partner, and especially so if you don't. Regardless, as a single parent, your children's lives are now largely in your hands, and the best way to protect them is through estate planning.
Estate Planning · March 08, 2024
Preventing Family Conflict And Disputes Over Your Estate Plan
No matter how well you think you know your loved ones, it's impossible to predict exactly how they'll behave when you die or become incapacitated. No one wants to believe that their family members would ever end up fighting one another in court over inheritance issues, but the fact is, we see it all the time. The best way to deal with estate planning disputes is to do everything possible to prevent family conflicts from making sure they never occur in the first place.
Estate Planning · March 01, 2024
4 Reasons Why Estate Planning Is So Essential For Business Owners
It's easy to prioritize other business matters over estate planning when you're running a business. But, in reality, one of your most pressing responsibilities is to consider what would happen to your business if you became incapacitated or died. Although estate planning and business planning may be two distinct tasks, they're inevitably linked. And, because your company is likely your family's most valuable asset, estate planning is critical not only for your company, but also for your family.
Estate Planning · June 14, 2023
Protect Your Children's Inheritance With A Lifetime Asset Protection Trust
As a parent, you're likely hoping to leave your children an inheritance, and doing so maybe one of the primary factors motivating your life's work. But without taking the proper precautions, the wealth you pass on is at serious risk of being accidentally lost or squandered due to common life events, such as divorce, serious debt, devastating illness, and unfortunate accidents.
Estate Planning · July 01, 2022
3 Reasons Why Single Folks With No Children Need An Estate Plan
These days, more and more young people are delaying—if not totally foregoing—a life that involves marriage and parenting. The lack of jobs, crushing student debt, multiple recessions, and the pandemic have pushed many young people into a life path that leaves little room for getting married—and even less room for having children. If you're single with no children, you might think there's no need to worry about creating an estate plan. But this is a huge mistake.
Estate Planning · June 07, 2022
3 Estate Planning Issues  For LGBTQ+ Couples - Part 2
Although married same-gender couples are now enjoying nearly all of the same rights as opposite-gender couples, there is still one key right that’s still up in the air—the automatic right to be legal parents. While parental rights are automatically bestowed upon the biological parent, the non-biological spouse/parent still faces a number of challenges when it comes to obtaining full parental rights. Luckily, same-gender couples do have an alternative to adoption—estate planning.

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