Posts tagged with "petaluma california"

Estate Planning · December 27, 2024
Everything You Need To Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan - Part 2
If you're like most people, you most likely own numerous digital assets, some of which may have significant monetary value and some which have purely sentimental value. You may also own digital assets which hold no value for anyone other than yourself or have a certain digital property that you'd prefer your family and friends not access or inherit when you pass away. To ensure all your digital assets are passed on according to your wish, you must adapt your estate planning strategies.
Estate Planning · December 23, 2024
Everything You Need To Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan - Part 1
Recent advances in digital technology have made many aspects of our lives exponentially easier and more convenient. But at the same time, digital technology has also created some serious complications when it comes to estate planning. Without the proper estate planning, just locating and accessing your digital assets can be a major headache—or even impossible—for your loved ones following your incapacity or death.
Business · July 13, 2021
Avoid Making Three Common Mistakes When Choosing Your Successor
Choosing the person to take over your business after your exit isn't about selecting someone who's exactly like you or even selecting someone you like. The most important thing is that you choose someone who's not only well-qualified for the role but also has the vision and skills to lead your company into the future. With so much riding on your decision, you should be careful to avoid these three common mistakes business owners often make when naming successors.
Business · July 06, 2021
How To Maximize Your Startup Cost Deductions
Coming up with a solid concept for a new business and working to get your operation off the ground can be an expensive undertaking. But the good news is that you can write off several expenses involved with the startup process. However, the rules for deducting startup expenses are different from those for writing off general business expenses incurred by an existing company. Here are some of the basic rules for writing off startup expenses that will benefit your business.
Estate Planning · June 11, 2021
The Perfect Father's Day Gift For Every Father
When you are a kid, finding a suitable gift for Father's Day can be a struggle. You want to get Dad something he'll enjoy, but you can't afford expensive things. And even after you become an adult, that struggle for the perfect Father's Day gift often continues, albeit in a slightly different way. With this in mind, give your father a tribute to the role he has played in your life by preserving his legacy for generations to come with a Family Wealth Legacy Passage.
Business · May 25, 2021
What's In A Name? Frequently Asked Questions About Trademarks
When it comes to your company’s identity, nothing is more vital to your company than your name and logo. By developing a catchy name and snazzy logo for your business, you can quickly get your company recognized, remembered, and respected. Rather than rolling the dice by trying to register your trademark on your own or with a DIY registration service, we recommend you save yourself the time, money, and hassle and hire us to support and guide you through the process.
Business · May 04, 2021
4 Tips for Running a Business With Your Spouse - Without Ruining Your Marriage
Going into business with your spouse or romantic partner can be an amazing opportunity—but it can just as easily be an absolute nightmare if not handled properly. Regardless of how amazing your love life may be, there's no guarantee you'll be equally compatible in a working relationship. It can potentially wreck both your business and marriage if things don't work out. Make sure to clarify the potential problems, risks, and benefits before jumping into business together.