Posts tagged with "money talk over holidays"

Estate Planning · November 17, 2023
The Scary Truth: Naming Godparents Does Not Create Legal Guardians
Feeling uncertain about how to ensure your child's future is protected can be a common concern for many parents. Imagine a world where you have complete peace of mind, knowing that your children will always be cared for by those you trust the most, both emotionally and legally. Dive into our latest blog to empower you with the knowledge and tools to bridge the gap between heartfelt tradition and essential legal planning. Transform your concern into confidence, ensuring your children’s well-being
Estate Planning · November 13, 2023
How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays
The holiday season brings families together, presenting a unique opportunity to discuss important topics like inheritance, end-of-life decisions, and estate planning. However, broaching these subjects can be tricky, especially amidst festive activities. Our latest blog post, "How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays," offers valuable insights and practical tips to navigate these conversations with sensitivity and success. Here's how to prepare your family for a meaningful discussion.
Business · November 10, 2023
How to Find Work-Life Balance As A Business Owner
In the whirlwind of entrepreneurship, finding a balance between work and personal life can often feel like an elusive goal. Let's tackle this vital topic, offering practical guidance for business owners striving for a healthier work-life equilibrium. Learn how to differentiate between what's urgent and what's not, and the importance of setting and adhering to clear work boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries is not just a personal preference; it's a necessity for maintaining your well-being and