Posts tagged with "finances"

Estate Planning · March 29, 2024
April Fools! How DIY Wills And Trusts Offer A False Sense Of Security … And May Leave Your Family With An Expensive Mess
Crafting your own Will or Trust might feel empowering, yet it's fraught with risks that could leave your family facing legal battles and financial strain. The allure of DIY legal services masks the complexity and nuances of estate planning. A real-life story shows how easy it is to inadvertently disinherit loved ones or tie them up in legal knots, turning a well-intentioned effort into an expensive and emotional nightmare. It's a stark reminder that what we leave behind should be a legacy, not a
Estate Planning · March 11, 2024
Estate Planning Must-Haves For Single Parents
If you are a single parent, life for you right now probably couldn't get any busier. You are likely being pulled between work, school activities, and home - and the inevitable emergencies that fill the lives of single parents everywhere. It's a huge responsibility, even if you do share time with a parenting partner, and especially so if you don't. Regardless, as a single parent, your children's lives are now largely in your hands, and the best way to protect them is through estate planning.
Estate Planning · August 06, 2021
Don't Forget To Protect Your Furry Family: Estate Planning For Your Pets
It's sad but true that many pets end up in shelters after their owner dies or becomes incapacitated. In fact, the Humane Society estimates that between 100,00 to 500,000 pets are placed in shelters each year for this reason, and many of these animals are ultimately euthanized. In light of this cold reality, if you're a pet owner, the best way to avoid this tragic event is to use estate planning to ensure your pets receive the best care when you're no longer able to care for them yourself.
Estate Planning · July 16, 2021
Britney Spears’ Nightmare Conservatorship Underscores The Vital Importance Of Incapacity Planning—Part 2
Although Britney's story is certainly tragic and we can't be sure how it will ultimately play out, her case has at least shined a spotlight the possible pitfalls within the conservatorship and inspires you to make certain that you and your loved ones have the proper estate planning strategies in place to prevent the loss of autonomy, family conflict, and potential abuse that comes with court-ordered conservatorships and guardianships.
Estate Planning · July 02, 2021
Estate Planning For A Child With Special Needs: What Parents Need To Know
Estate planning is an obvious concern for all parents, especially when having a child with special needs. It's important that you are aware of the unique considerations to go into planning and understand the necessary things you need to provide to your child - emotionally, physically, and financially, especially in the event of your eventual death or incapacity. But the first and most critical decision you need to make is to ensure your child's future well-being by appointing legal guardians.
Estate Planning · June 11, 2021
3 Vital Estate Planning Documents For High School Graduates
Summer is coming, young people across the country are about to reach a key milestone: high school graduation. If you have a child claiming their diploma, now is the time to prepare them for life after leaving the nest, but make sure they've got the proper planning in place. By doing so, you're modeling good financial stewardship and setting them up right from the start. Financial and legal illiteracy is an epidemic that you can quickly address, starting with yourself and your own family.
Estate Planning · April 09, 2021
6 Ways The American Rescue Plan Can Boost Your Family's Finances - Part 2
With 2020 firmly in our rear-view mirror, the economy appears to be on the rebound, and things are slowly getting back to a semblance of normalcy. That said, many families continue to struggle financially, and if this includes you, you may be able to find some relief from the American Rescue Plan. To highlight the ways the ARP can impact your family's bank account, we'll break down three additional parts of the law that stand to boost your family's finances. Learn more here!
Estate Planning · April 02, 2021
6 Ways The American Rescue Plan Can Boost Your Family's Finances - Part 1
Signed into law on March 11th, President Biden's $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) is the largest direct-to-taxpayer stimulus legislation ever passed, and it came just in time to save millions of Americans whose unemployment benefits were about to expire. This ARP comes with numerous other provisions that can seriously boost your family's finances for 2021. Learn more here to highlight the ways the ARP can impact your family's wallet.