Posts tagged with "common mistakes"

Business · October 15, 2019
DIY legal services may appear inexpensive at first glance but a more in-depth look reveals that they could cost your business dearly. Read here to know its several anticipated costs. Consult with us to help you and your business established a solid legal foundation.
Estate Planning · August 30, 2019
Conflicts frequently erupt in blended families as children, especially from a prior marriage and spouse's interests, often aren't aligned. As Estate Planning mistakes become costly when your family have to sort out disagreements in probate court, it is critical that you clearly state your terms in your estate plan and that you communicate and explain your wishes to your loved ones in person while you're still alive to reduce the chances of conflict and to bring them closer at the same time.
Estate Planning · August 31, 2018
The lack of estate planning has lead Aretha Franklin’s family to lengthy court battles, major expenses and great amount of stress. Although a will would have been helpful, even a will could not have saved Aretha Franklin’s family from going to court, because of the size of her estate. Regardless of your financial status, planning for incapacity or your eventual death is something that you should immediately address, especially if you have children. Here's what Aretha Franklin’s death taught us.