Posts tagged with "child protection"

Estate Planning · September 09, 2022
Ensure the Security of Your Senior Parents' Identity and Financial Assets
Today, It’s critically important to have the appropriate safeguards in place to reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft, especially for your senior parents. Because your parents are unlikely to be as savvy about digital technology and may be losing some of their powers of discernment as they age, it will almost certainly be up to you to help them in protecting themselves—and ultimately, your inheritance.
Estate Planning · August 28, 2020
Planning for natural disasters can be stressful and most of us are caught off guard and find ourselves completely unprepared when a natural disaster strikes. Yet, all do not have to be lost. Planning for the unknown can actually save you lots of money and more importantly, help protect your loved ones from harm or becoming traumatized by the ensuing chaos.  Here are some simple tips that will help you prevent loss and get back on your feet should disaster strike.
Estate Planning · August 21, 2020
An emergency can happen at any time and at any place, and the scene can be overwhelming, terrifying, and at least, confusing. When facing life-threatening emergencies, there isn’t much time to think. You must be prepared to act and act fast, which is why you should be prepared beforehand. Here is a basic summary of the most-recommended supplies to give you some idea of what items you should have ready to go in case you need to get out of your home within minutes.
Estate Planning · June 12, 2020
The coronavirus has infected millions of people in the US, including parents of young children. This brought fear to every parent like you, that if worse could happen to you and your spouse at the same time, who would watch your children? Who would take care of them even just for a short period of time? Situations like this can be traumatic for your minor kids so it is critically important to devise a plan and name legal guardians to protect them in case the unthinkable happens. Learn more here.
Estate Planning · June 05, 2020
The burden of both to carry on with your work and manage your child's full-time care and education can be overwhelming. If you are like most parents - struggling with guilt even before the coronavirus pandemic because of the lack of time to simply play with your kids or help them with their homework, then, you are not alone. Here are some ideas to help you alleviate the feelings of not doing enough for your kids which in the long run, you will appreciate if the unthinkable happens to you.
Estate Planning · December 06, 2019
Including a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust in your plan is one great proactive step to help protect your child’s inheritance from all possible threats, while incentivizing them to invest and grow the money rather than squander and waste it. Indeed, the trust’s highly flexible structure, combined with its bulletproof asset protection makes it one of the most valuable gifts you can give your loved ones.
Estate Planning · November 15, 2019
Naming long-term guardians for your kids is critical and should be your number-one planning priority to ensure they will never end up in the hands of strangers in the event of your incapacity or death.
Estate Planning · September 20, 2019
Proactive measures to help stave off risks posed by the big wealth transfer is important to make sure your wealth is protected and put to the best use possible, regardless of how much or how little wealth you plan to pass on or stand to inherit. Having a comprehensive plan and openly discussing your values and legacy with your loved ones is another key way to ensure your planning strategies work exactly as you intended. Here are several important actions to take for wealth transfer.
Estate Planning · September 13, 2019
It is crucial to create (and regularly update) an inventory of all your assets, including digital assets in your trust and to immediately amend your plan following major life events like divorce, deaths, births, and inheritances to ensure that your assets will never be lost and will be inherited by your family. Learn here the consequences of not updating your plan.
Estate Planning · September 06, 2019
Your "When I die" file is one crucial part of your plan as it will give your loved ones access to all your planning documents, financial accounts, digital assets, etc. in the event of your potential incapacity or death. Failure to execute this file will result in your family an agonizing work and endless expenses in tracking down your assets and worse, they will all end up as if they never existed. Read here to know what to include in your file.

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