Posts tagged with "california businesses"

Business · July 15, 2024
10 Small Business Tax Moves to Make the Second Half of the Year - Part 1
As a small business owner, strategic financial management is key, and as we dive into the second half of 2024, it's time to tackle a crucial aspect often pushed aside: taxes. This guide offers 10 tax strategies to not only safeguard but enhance your bottom line. From maximizing retirement contributions to leveraging deductions on new business equipment, each move is designed to optimize your fiscal health and reduce tax liabilities. Ready to transform tax season from a stressor to an opportunity
Business · July 26, 2022
What Happens To Your Business When You Get Sick Or Die? 4 Fundamentals To Know
If you dream of leaving your company to your family one day, but you haven’t properly included your business in your estate plan, that dream could become a nightmare for your heirs—and your partners, team members, and clients, too. Without a proper estate plan, the business you worked so hard to build could be in serious jeopardy when something happens to you.
Business · June 07, 2022
5 Best Practices For Establishing Healthy Boundaries With Clients
Establishing and enforcing healthy professional boundaries with your clients is critical for all business owners, especially if you own your own business and work from home, where the lines between work and home life are easily blurred. If you need support establishing healthy professional boundaries, reach out to us, your Family Business Lawyer™.
Business · May 17, 2022
5 Cost-Cutting Tips To Reduce Your Company’s Expenses
When running a small business, every dollar counts, so it’s critical to keep a tight rein on your expenses, especially when you are just starting out and have limited revenue. If not monitored carefully, spending can quickly get out of control and put a serious strain on your operation’s financial health. With this in mind, here are five cost-cutting measures that can help your company stay in the black.
Business · May 10, 2022
3 Legitimate Reasons To Put Off Estate Planning—And How To Do Right By Those You Love
If you have not yet put in place an estate and succession plan for your business, you’re going to leave the people you love most—your clients, your customers, your team, and your family—in the lurch when something happens to you. We get it - there are plenty of reasons to put off estate planning, and as business owners ourselves, we truly understand the common excuses for why you probably haven’t created your estate plan yet. But as a family business lawyer, stop making excuses!
Business · January 18, 2022
7 Tips For Creating A Winning Business Plan
When starting your own business, a carefully researched and well-thought-out business plan allows you to determine whether or not your business concept will succeed and make money. A solid business plan can't only serve as a roadmap to guide your company's progress but also allow you to test the validity of your business model, research the market, understand your competition, and avoid potential pitfalls. How will you do that? Learn more here!
Business · December 07, 2021
Now Is Your Last Chance To Save On Your 2021 Taxes
When you realize that your biggest personal and business expense is taxes, it can come as quite a shock. Seeing so much of your money wind up in the government's hands can feel like a shakedown. So, it's crucial to strategize to reduce your taxes. Some people resist enforcing creative tax strategies because they're worried it will get them in trouble with the IRS. However, as long as you do things properly, there's nothing illegal about strategizing to pay the least amount of taxes possible.
Business · November 23, 2021
Before You Sell Your Business (Or Any Other Appreciated Asset), Read This!
Although paying taxes is a largely unavoidable part of running a business, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that there is one common type of tax you can often avoid paying. Capital gains tax is one of the few taxes you can avoid paying, but only if you plan ahead and plan wisely. Since we're only a few weeks away from the end of the year, it might seem like it's too late to save on capital gains taxes in 2021, but you may still have time if you act immediately.
Business · November 02, 2021
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Family Business Lawyer™
You may be wondering why you need to hire a lawyer to help you run your company. This is true today when you can access just about every conceivable legal document online for cheap from the countless online do-it-yourself document services. But without the guidance and support of trusted legal counsel, you're likely not aware of all the ways your business is leaking money, putting yourself and your family at risk, and possibly limiting the positive impact you have on the lives of your clients.
Business · October 26, 2021
5 Mistakes Start-Ups Make When Forming Their Business
Too many start-ups fail to make the transition from idea to execution or encounter major setbacks along the way. In the midst of developing your growing start-up, don’t make the common mistake of disregarding tedious, but vital tasks such as making sure all your legal, insurance, financial, and tax ducks are in a row. Establishing a solid legal system can help you avoid costly mistakes and save time and stress down the road.

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