Posts tagged with "Health Care Directive"

Estate Planning · September 16, 2022
Are You Clear About How Your Parents Estate Plan Will Impact You?
Know that no matter how poor or rich your parents are, they must have an estate plan in place because their affairs will affect you and become your responsibility if they become incapacitated or die. Their estate plan ensures that their assets will be distributed to their heirs according to their personal wishes, no matter how much or how little they can be. If you do not know whether or not your parents have an estate plan in place that will help you best support them, read on!
Estate Planning · January 05, 2021
Start Planning Now to Prepare Your Estate for a Possible Democratic Sweep—Part 2
Biden’s proposed Build Back Better plan would require approximately $7 trillion. Such an astounding amount of revenue most likely means a surge in taxes. Biden’s policy front is zeroed in on high-income taxpayers, and yes, that includes corporations and estates. You might want to plan ahead to minimize legal and financial repercussions arising from these proposed changes. From increased business taxes to lowered itemized deductions, here is an outline of Biden’s economic plans.
Estate Planning · December 11, 2020
Superheroes never die, they just fade away. Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther legacy will surely live on for years to come. However, with the court currently probing into his million-dollar estate, King T'Challa might be remembered differently by the public. Apparently, the actor died without completing estate arrangements causing his widow to petition to be named administrator. As sad as it sounds, Boseman is one of many celebrities who neglected to create a detailed and thorough estate plan.
Estate Planning · December 07, 2020
With record-breaking 80 million votes, Joe Biden is well on his way to the White House. When he finally takes over in 2021, there will be key changes to watch out for especially in the tax landscape. Biden is set to inherit a battered economy so he is essentially focused on increasing revenue from taxes. As estate owners, now is the perfect time to update your existing estate plan in preparation for a massive political realignment next year. Here are the probable major economic shifts for 2021.
Estate Planning · November 23, 2020
While estate planning is probably one of the last things your teenage kids are thinking about, given the dire threat coronavirus represents, when they turn 18, it should be their and your number-one priority. At 18, they become legal adults in the eyes of the law so you no longer have the authority to make decisions regarding their health care & finances if something happens to them. While you can't totally prevent your child from any unforeseen maladies, you can put a plan in place to assure th
Estate Planning · November 13, 2020
2020 saw the passing of one of Marvel’s greatest superheroes, The Black Panther, King T’Challa. After four years of box office hits and hospital treatments, Chadwick Boseman has succumbed to colon cancer, ending a stellar career and leaving a million-dollar estate behind. However, it turns out that Boseman died without a will. Though this is a fairly common occurrence, such a situation has legal consequences that might take ages to resolve. Not to mention costly and even distressing.
Estate Planning · November 05, 2020
The staggering events of 2020 have greatly affected each person’s overall mental and emotional health. Faced with sudden changes such as sickness, loss, or unemployment it is difficult to stay positive. No pun intended. However, this may be an opportunity to invest in your most important asset—yourself. It is a time of unearthing your skills and talents that may have been stored away all this time. As each person is unique you surely have something to offer that nobody else could. You could be t
Business · November 02, 2020
2020 has set unprecedented variables in business with the advent of COVID-19. You will never know what could go wrong at any given moment. It is possible for your business to be completely swept away by the pandemic without means of protection. One of these means is having comprehensive insurance coverage. This can cover almost anything from properties, professional services, computer systems, business and employment practices and more.
Estate Planning · October 29, 2020
Advanced health care planning is an ideal way to prepare for the future. Being unable to relay your healthcare instructions in the event of death or incapacity will be an added emotional burden to your already distressed loved ones. With the current pandemic overloading hospitals everywhere, it becomes more urgent to put your documents in place before it is too late. Find out what other directives to include in your plan to expedite the decision-making process and to ensure your family’s safety.
Business · October 26, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak has most business owners on their toes. The constant emphasis on the slightest human interaction through skeletal arrangements results in taking in more tasks on your already full plate. From implementing safety measures to protect your employees, formulating strategies to mitigate the outbreak’s impact, to finding ways to generate more revenue — you feel the need to do it all. Here is some advice on how to navigate the volatile business environment in the new normal.

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